
ReviewtheChangesintheLatestVersion.BeforeyouupgradetoanewversionoftheFacebookSDK,youshouldreviewtheChangelogonGitHub.,FacebookSDKforUnityChangelog.ListofchangesandfixestotheFacebook...UpdatetoFacebookSDKforAndroid/iOSSDK4.13.2/4.13.1.v4.12.0Audience ...,FacebookiOSSDK的變更記錄和版本說明。AudienceNetwork即將在2021年變為僅...如果您的應用程式已正在使用FBSDKCoreKit,則應用程式需升級到FacebookSDK5...

Facebook SDK for iOS Upgrade Guide

Review the Changes in the Latest Version. Before you upgrade to a new version of the Facebook SDK, you should review the Changelog on GitHub.

Facebook SDK for Unity Changelog

Facebook SDK for Unity Changelog. List of changes and fixes to the Facebook ... Update to Facebook SDK for Android/iOS SDK 4.13.2 / 4.13.1. v4.12.0 Audience ...

iOS 版Audience Network SDK 變更記錄

Facebook iOS SDK 的變更記錄和版本說明。 Audience Network 即將在2021 年變為僅 ... 如果您的應用程式已正在使用 FBSDKCoreKit ,則應用程式需升級到Facebook SDK 5.0 版本 ...

Facebook SDK for iOS

Changelog and release notes for the Facebook SDK for iOS. Upgrade Guide. Instructions for upgrading your version of the Facebook SDK for iOS. FAQ ...

Audience Network SDK for iOS Change Log

Changelog and release notes for the Facebook SDK for iOS. ... Starting on March 31, Audience Network will only use bidding to fill ads in iOS apps. You'll need to ...

Facebook SDK for iOS Changelog

4.34.0 - June 18, 2018. Facebook SDK. Added. Added Marketing kit to enable codeless app events logging. Added a JavascriptInterface and an augmentWebview ...

Releases · facebookfacebook-ios

2023年12月11日 — Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps. - Releases · facebook/facebook-ios-sdk. ... Consult Changelog. Assets 10. 11


Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps. - facebook-ios-sdk/CHANGELOG.md at main · facebook/facebook-ios-sdk.

FacebookCHANGELOG and Facebook Releases

Awesome iOS · Facebook; Current: Changelog. Facebook changelog. Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps. All Versions. 79. Latest ...


... xcode-release-notes/xcode-14-release-notes ### Improved - Binary artifact sizes ... facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/pull/1713) ### Added - Added AEM (Aggregated ...